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Solo Agent Summit 2023
9 solo agents who closed between 29 and 323 homes in one year ... share time management, lead generation, and leverage strategies ... PLUS ...
**HOT TOPIC**: market shift opportunities ... how the super solo agents are finding motivated clients every day in the slowing market ... discover what they are doing differently than "average agents"
FREE ACCESS: get your free ticket to this ONLINE virtual event ... by clicking the link below
The only event celebrating high-performing single agent real estate practices. Discover how top solo agents generate quality leads, close 3 to 27 transactions per month (every month), schedule their day for high productivity, take time off in the evenings and weekends to spend with their family and friends, and implement work / life balance strategies. Plus talk about the opportunities in this slowing market. You'll learn their success secrets and models at this online virtual event that you can watch from any internet connected device. Don't miss it. Click the red box below and join us today. It's FREE.

Lead Generation:
Discover how solo agents generate consistent flows of happy grateful clients into their practices (and repel time wasters and soul suckers). Plus learn how they get their friends, family, and past clients to repeat and send referrals.

3 to 27 Closings Per Month:
Find out how solo agents are scheduling and organizing their daily tasks (prospect, follow up, present, list, show, negotiate, track, and close) to sell 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, and even 27 homes per month. Learn how they time block and when they do what. Plus discover what systems and software they use to track tasks and stay organized.

Days Off and Vacations:
The number one reason for failure in real estate is not lack of business ... it's burn out. You need to rejuvenate your soul. Learn how solo agents schedule days off, play on the weekends, and go on vacations.

Work / Life Balance:
All work and no play makes you sad, mad, bad, frustrated, and less productive. You need to be focused at work ... and be able to experience the joys of life outside the office. Learn the work / life balance strategies perfected by solo agents.

Market Shift Strategies:
In 2022, the 30 year fixed rate mortgage went from 3% to 7% wiping out 40% of a home buyer's purchasing power. Find out how to top solo agents are positioning their practices, talking with their clients, and seizing the opportunities others miss.

Fresh Start Game:
Imagine I pick you up in a helicopter, bring you to a town where you do not know anyone, give you a license and a thousand dollars, and tell you to find and close a deal in 4 weeks or lose your home. What would you do? I ask all 9 top solo agents to answer.
Nine Super Solo Speakers
At the online summit we showcase top solo agents and share their best practices. We'll ask your burning questions and get answers straight from the solo agents who are achieving peak performance. Here are the top solo agents.

Sherrie Benner
29 closings in 1 year
288K in GCI

Dusty Rhoton
38 closings in 1 year
328K in GCI

Alei Merrill
52 closings in 1 year
1.4M in GCI

Bryce Fuller
57 closings in 1 year
553K in GCI

Brenda Mayette
65 closings in 1 year
334K in GCI

Joy Russell
105 closings in 1 year
670K in GCI

Jen Burns
106 closings in 1 year
765K in GCI

Monica Angeles
162 closings in 1 year
614K in GCI

Amanda Bell
323 closings in 1 year
1.1M in GCI
When: January 9th thru January 17th, 2022 (but don't wait ... get your FREE gift today ... see below).
Where: It's online. No traveling. Watch video sessions on your computer, laptop, tablet, or smart phone.
Times: Watch when you want. Each session is posted for a 24 hour viewing window.
Cost: $0, zero, ziltch, nada, nothing, none, null, goose egg, forget about it ... it's free!!!
How: Register today and save your seat. Just click the "get free access" button on this page.
Limit: Tech guy says we only have seats for 1,000 agents. So register today and save your spot.

Free Gift
Register TODAY and get a FREE gift.
Tax Letter 2023
In January, send this letter with a copy of your 2022 clients’ closing settlement statement. They need it for their tax preparation.
You clients will LOVE that you are thinking of their best interest (and proactively sending it). It shows you want to continue the relationship … and often results in immediate referrals for the new year.
This letter is the exact letter a top solo agent sends. It's pure gold. Yours free when you register today.
What Agents Are Saying About The Solo Agent Summits
Solo Agent My Entire Career
“I REALLY enjoyed the summit. All I have ever heard in my 18 years is to be successful you must build a team. I have been a solo agent for my entire career. What I enjoyed is learning about what type of prospecting they do and if they were dropped in a new city, what would they do in 30 days to get a deal. I usually do about 20 to 30 transactions a year. My best year was around 40 and I had 8 closings in one month. That was awesome. Thanks again!” - Wendy Grego
Helped Me Think Bigger
“I thought this was fabulous and appreciate the focus on this important segment of agents. It was very helpful and eye opening — helped me think bigger about possibilities of growth as a solo agent without the pressure of building a team, which it seems is what everyone else is talking about. Thanks for your good work.” - Andy Wirt
All The Right Questions
“I liked the summit very much. Thank you for putting this out there! I always learn something and I really liked that this was all solo agents because I am a solo agent. I’ve been an agent for 7 years and have struggled since day 1. I feel like this is the year all that is going to change!! I take something from every single person that I hear. For some reason there were so many “ah has” for me with this summit. I found myself talking to my husband and saying, that Mike Cerrone asks all the right questions. I learned so much. I took tons of notes and I am so excited about this year!! Thank you again for sharing. I appreciate it more than you know.” - Patricia Kay
3 Ways To Attend
Register today, even if you can't attend live. You can listen to the replays and recordings.

Attend The Sessions
Show up for the opening of each session and hear solo agents share their wisdom.

Sessions Posted For 24 Hours
Flexible schedule. Listen each day at a time convenient for you.

All Sessions Recorded
Acquire the recordings and add them to your success library.
Don't miss out. Reserve your FREE seat at the online summit today!
Master Mind Agent is a proud sponsor of the Solo Agent Summit. MMA presents the success secrets, strategies, and systems of the top real estate agents in America. To learn more, visit

Mike Cerrone
As host of the Solo Agent Summit, Mike has the honor of interviewing these top solo agents and sharing their wisdom and insights for high performance as a single agent practice.
Mike is the host of the very popular real estate agent Success Calls podcast that you can find on iTunes, Apple Play, Stitcher and other platforms. Go to: to see the full list of agent calls and links to the show.